
Monday, April 30, 2007


Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate,") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity. In general, the term culture denotes the whole product of an individual, group or society of intelligent beings. It includes technology, art, science, as well as moral systems and the characteristic behaviors and habits of the selected intelligent entities. In particular, it has specific more detailed meanings in different domains of human activities.
Anthropologists most commonly use the term "culture" to refer to the universal human capacity to classify, codify and communicate their experiences symbolically. This capacity has long been taken as a defining feature of the humans. However, primatologists have identified aspects of culture among human's closest relatives in the animal kingdom.[1] It can be also said that " It is the way people live in accordance to beliefs, language, history, or the way they dress."

Monday, April 02, 2007


A creditor is a party who claims that a second party owes the first party some properties or services. The first party, in common, has provided some property or service to the second party under the assumption that the second party will return an equal property or service. The first party is regularly called a lender, and the second party is frequently called a debtor or borrower.

In other words, your creditors are people to whom you owe money. The term creditor is commonly used in the financial world, particularly in orientation to short term loans, long term bonds, and mortgages. The term creditor derived from the concept of credit. In modern America, credit refers to a rating which indicates the ability of a borrower and likelihood to pay back his or her loan. In earlier times, credit also referred to reputation or trustworthiness.